I had commented earlier on taking advantage of an overcast sky to turn it into a giant softbox. The gist of the post was that I was becoming somewhat consumed with the pursuit of flash lighting equipment and techniques and I needed to refocus on some of the fundamentals of natural light.
I had to have that lesson reinforced again this weekend when I discovered that I had lost my remote flash trigger, a small but absolutely indispensable piece of gear for shooting photos with off-camera flash. It is a small radio transmitter that sits in the camera's hot shoe where a flash would usually be attached and sends a firing signal to a receiver that is attached to a remote flash unit several feet, or even several yards away on a light stand.
Consequently, I was forced to spend the weekend with my grandson looking for natural light shooting opportunities. This one presented itself when we pulled up into the driveway of my son's in-laws with little Hudson in tow. They have a beautiful yard, full of greenery and trees. The sun was about 1 hour from settings and the interplay of light and shade immediately caught my eye as we got out of the vehicle.

After visiting for a few minutes, I sat Hudson in this pretty little shady spot with some sun-lit backdrop and a bit of backlight coming through the overhead trees. My intent was to get some close up head and shoulder shots of him, but their family dog Daisy decided she wanted to be included in the shoot.
And who can resist a cute baby with a dog?
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