I had posted an earlier blog declaring my new appreciation for the photographic opportunities along the shore. I revisited the same spot this evening. All though the basic setting is the same, the changing season brings new opportunities with new qualities, angles and direction of the light.

Of course, one of the challenges as well as rewards of shooting at this time of day is you can be working in dramatically different light conditions within just a few minutes. This shot with the sun just ready to dip below the horizon was taken only about 20 minutes after the shot above of the heron looking full into the late afternoon sunlight. There are usually a couple hundred of these birds hanging around this spot because a lady comes on a fairly regular basis to feed them. They are usually just bobbing around on the water waiting for a handout. But this evening, an American Bald Eagle swooped in from above and startled them up in to the air. I just started shooting as fast as I could and caught this great view with the circular arrangement of the birds converging and leading the eye to the setting sun.

In a rare moment when the rest of the flock wasn't cluttering up the scene, I caught this guy just hanging like a kite in the very stiff wind that was blowing off the water.
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