My wife and I are pretty much empty nesters now. The oldest lives with his wife and new baby in Lawrence, KS. The younger two are in college about 7 hours away. One graduates this spring and both have many post-college prospects and plans so I don't expect to see much of them after school is done. So holiday time is a blessing for us since it's about the only time we get them all together in one place now.
I planned this shot using Strobist David Hobby's tutorial on holiday lights. After looking at the shots I realized I didn't get the sky line above the house so I missed out on some of that deep blue action you get by setting the white balance on the camera to tungsten.
With the WB set on tungsten, I had to color correct the flashes so they didn't turn the kids blue. The main light, which is in a shoot through umbrella to camera left, has a full CTO orange gel on it that turns it to the same color as tungsten light. The rim light to rear camera right also has a gel - generic amber since I didn't have another CTO gel.
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