David Hobby, who runs The Strobist blog, sponsors the Strobist Boot Camp. Participants are given a real world shooting assignment and must go out and plan, execute, and submit a photograph according to David's specifications. Since The Strobist is all about creating world class photographs with small, portable, speedlight flash units used off camera, the assignment will usually revolve around solving some lighting challenge. After all the submissions are in, David uses his blog to showcase and comment on the best examples from all of the completed assignments.
David just started up a new Boot Camp session for Summer 2009, Strobist Boot Camp II. The first assignment is a head and shoulders portrait. For this assignment, David suggested shooting someone who needs a portrait as part of a job search. This is the portrait I shot for my friend Tom as my submission for the first assignment of the current Strobist Boot Camp session. Tom and his wife Linda retired as public school teachers and have taken up a second career doing event vidoegraphy and photography.
One of the things that has really gotten me reengaged in photography is the Strobist phenomenon. It's a photography movement created by photojournalist David Hobby, and dedicated to teaching the tools and techniques of world class photography using small, portable, off-camera flash units. David's blog, The Strobist, is one of the most popular and highly regarded photography-related web sites in the world. David literally gives away his many years of knowledge and experience for free through his blog. If you're not already plugged in to The Strobist, I highly recommend you dive in.
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